Dr. Manoj Kumar Panda
Designation:- Director
Departments:- Electrical Engineering
Faculty Type:- Permanent
Subjects Teaching:- Soft Computing
Subjects Taught:- Neuro Fuzzy techniques
B.Tech | B.E (Electrical Engineering), Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 1998 |
M.Tech | M.E (Control & Instrumentation), MNNIT Allahabad, 2002 |
Doctorate | Ph.D (Power and Control), I.I.T Roorkee, 2014 |
Area Of Interest:- Soft computing (Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and evolutionary optimization) Techniques and its applications in Engineering, Fuzzy Control, Smart Grid, Power & Control, Renewable Energy.
Industry | 02 Year |
Teaching | 17 Year |
Research | 04 Year |
director@wit.ac.in |