About Department:-
In modern society, scope of electronics engineering is very vast that applied in every field. Development of world that includes every area such as telecommunications, satellite, microelectronics etc are the outcome of talented engineers. ECE is all about working with electronic science & communication equipments such as mobiles, fridge, transmitters, fulfilling the daily requirements of the people. This incourage students to understand the concept and design of the devices and bring new out innovations.
Course Highlights:
This course is structured in a way to provide better opportunities in industry and increase confidence and chance employment prospects. The core advantage of this field is to including designing and developing complex devices and systems. The program also raise students for a range of increasing career options around them.
WIT emphasis on practical knowledge to their students rather following conventional theory. So it has given students with latest and new electronic kits to provide the hands on experience in laboratory. WIT also ensure that their students are rapidly advancing with new innovations and developments. Electronic circuits lab, digital electronic lab, PCB lab, microprocessor lab. DSP lab, Analog & digital communication lab, CAD and electronic circuits lab are fully quipped with latest measuring instruments and softwares.
What do you say about your choice of study here ?
At WIT, we believe in ambition, knowledge with full real among students so that they can stand with full dignity in any corner of world on basis of their technical and ethical skills. The faculty of WIT goes the extra mile to ensure that its students have a crystal clear understanding of basics and inspire students to be passionate about subjects. Faculty also has a rich blend of academic & industry experience.
Tripti Bijalwan
ECE, IIIrd year
Committed to deliver innovation and excellence in teaching, research, provide programs of the high quality and collaborative efforts with industry to produce world class engineering professionals with high professional ethics to achieve industrial and social needs.
M1: To provide quality education to produce technical skills in the field of Electronics Engineering.
M2: To nurture research environment and innovation culture in students for their intellectual growth.
M3: To develop professional ethics by imparting technical proficiency and value-based education.
M4: To develop professionals in response to the needs of industry, beneficial for society and the changing world.
PEO1: The graduates will be enabled by imparting suitable employability skills to seek an early employment after graduation in Electronics, Communication & Automation in the allied industries.
PEO2: The Department shall develop students as entrepreneurs meeting the needs of the society, trade & commerce in solving their technical problems using Electronics & Communication Engineering principles, technologies, tools & techniques.
PEO3: The graduates will be able to demonstrate their communication skills, team spirit, leadership skills and ethics with social responsibility.
PEO4:The graduates would be engaged in lifelong learning to maintain and enhance professional skills and to pursue higher education, research, design & development for enhancing their career growth opportunities.
Electronics Communication and Engineering | |
Name of Faculty | Educational Qualifications |
Dr. Ashish Bagwari | Ph.D(UTU, Dehradun),
M.Tech (GEU, Dehradun), B.Tech (HNBGU, Srinagar) |
Mr. K. C. Mishra | Ph.D-Pursuing (UTU, Dehradun), M.Tech (UTU, Dehradun), B.Tech(UTU,Dehradun), & Diploma (UBTE, Roorkee) |
Mr. Pankaj Agarwal | M.Tech (VLSI Design), B.Tech (MITS,Gwalior) |
Mrs. Mukta Jukaria | M.Tech (GBPUAT, University), B.Tech ( HNBGU,Srinagar) |
Dr. Shipra Upadhyay | PhD (MNNIT, Allahabad),
M.Tech ( University of Allahabad, Allahabad ), B.Tech ( UPTU, Lucknow) |
Mr. Hitanshu Katiyar | PhD (UTU Dehradun [Pursuing]),
M.Tech (GBPEC, Pauri Garhwal), B.Tech (GEU, Dehradun) |
S.No. | Code | Subject Name |
2nd Year (3rd Semester) | ||
1 | TCS-301 | Computer Based Numerical Technique |
2 | TEC-301 | Electronic Devices and Circuits |
3 | TEC-302 | Digital Electronic and Design Aspects |
4 | TEC-303 | Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation |
5 | TEE-301 | Network Analysis and Synthesis |
6 | THM-301 | Engineering Economics |
Labs | ||
1 | PEC-351 | Electronics Circuits Lab |
2 | PEC-352 | Digital Electronics Lab |
3 | PEE-353 | Measurement Lab |
2nd Year (4th Semester) | ||
1 | TEC-401 | Electro Magnetic Field Theory |
2 | TEC-402 | Analog Integrated Circuits |
3 | TCS-403 | Computer Organization and Architecture |
4 | TEC-404 | Signal and Systems |
5 | TEC-405 | Analog Communication |
6 | TEC-406 | Solid State Devices and Semiconductor Materials |
Labs | ||
1 | PEC-451 | Analog Integrated Circuit Lab |
2 | PEC-452 | Circuit Design on PCB |
3 | PEC-453 | Analog Communication Lab |
3rd Year (5th Semester) | ||
1 | TEC-501 | Automatic Control Systems |
2 | TEC-502 | Digital Signal Processing |
3 | TEC-503 | VLSI Technology |
4 | TEC-504 | Advanced Microprocessors |
5 | TEC-505 | Anteena & Wave Propagation |
6 | TCS-507 | Concepts of Programming and OOPs |
Labs | ||
1 | PEC -551 | Advanced Microprocessors Lab |
2 | PCS-554 | Concepts of Programming and OOPs (C++, Java) Lab. |
3 | PEC-552 | DSP Lab |
3rd Year (6th Semester) | ||
1 | TEC – 601 | Microwave Techniques |
2 | TEC – 602 | VLSI Circuit Design |
3 | TEC – 603 | Telecommunication Switching Systems |
4 | TEC – 604 | Digital Communication |
5 | TCS – 607 | Data Structures Using C++ |
6 | THU – 608 | Principles of Management |
Labs | ||
1 | PEC-651 | Digital Communication |
2 | PCS-654 | Data Structure Lab |
3 | PEC-652 | Microwave Lab. |
4th Year ( 7th Semester) | ||
1 | TEC-701 | Optical Fibre Communication Systems |
2 | TEC-702 | Wireless Communication System |
3 | TEC-703 | Satellite Communication |
4 | TEC-01X | Elective -1 |
5 | TOE-XX | Open Elective |
Labs | ||
1 | PEC-751 | Project |
2 | PEC-752 | Industrial Interaction |
3 | PEC-753 | OFC & VLSI Simulation Lab |
4 | Seminar | |
4th Year (8th Semester) | ||
1 | TEC-801 | Radar & Navigation |
2 | TEC-802 | Data Communication Network |
3 | TEC-02X | Elective -2 |
4 | TEC-03X | Elective -3 |
Labs | ||
1 | PEC-851 | Project |
2 | PCS-854 | CAD of Electronics Lab |
Communication Lab(I,II,III)
The lab consists of four subsets namely Analog, Digital, Microwave and Optical Fiber Communication. This lab is fully equipped to perform experiments such as AM, FM (Analog), ASK, FSK (Digital), Optical Fiber losses (Optical fiber communication) and Microwave Characteristics (Microwave). The Laboratory has been equipped with latest instruments in communication technology so that an in-depth experience may be given to students taking courses in field of communication Engineering. The instruments are regularly updated to keep pace with the rapid industrial growth
Electronics lab (I & II)
The Electronics Laboratory offers training in Electronics practice. In Electronics lab (I) the students are taught the basic electronics characteristics of BJT, Zener, Clamper etc. The Electronics Lab (II) lab offers the students a higher version of Electronics Lab (I) in which basic Amplifier, Oscillator circuit characteristics are taught. The laboratory has a large number of equipments.
Microprocessor Laboratory:
The Microprocessor Laboratory has been equipped with all the relevant instruments and the latest in microprocessor based technology so that an in-depth experience may be given to students in microprocessor-based technology.
The instruments have been regularly updated to keep pace with the rapid industrial growth. The different microcontroller kits are available for project purpose
Digital Lab & Computer organization Lab
The lab provides all the equipments to perform experiments such as Verification of gates, Half Adder, Full Adder etc. The Pulse & Digital Laboratory has been equipped with latest instruments in Digital technology so that comprehensive knowledge may be imparted to students. The instruments are regularly updated to keep pace with the rapid industrial progress.
Control System Lab
The lab has different modules such as PI-Controller, PID-Controller, Programmable Logic Controller kits to facilitate the experimentation as per curriculum as well as for aiding the project work.
Digital Signal Processing:
This lab provides excellent facilities for DSP.
These include:
1. Lab View semiconductor with MATLAB.
2. Texas Board with CCS (Code Composite studio) software
Electronic CAD Lab:
The Centre where students design and simulate Electronic Circuits on Computer systems with latest configuration having standard licensed software packages such as MATLAB ,VHDL, Active/ HDL, MultiSim, ORCAD, TASM, Lab View. This laboratory is extensively used for final year projects by the B.Tech. students.
Microwave Lab
The major equipments include Microwave Test Benches, VSWR Meter, Horn Antenna and Klystron Power Supplies. This lab has six Microwave benches and two experimental setups for Gunn diode and Gunn Oscillator
PCB Lab & Electronic Workshop
Printed Circuit Board Lab (PCB Lab): For PCB fabrication machines such as drilling machine, shearing machine, etching machine, protocure machine, UV exposure machine are available in laboratory along with a dark room facility.
Students are also taught transformer design and winding. This lab equipped is with transformer winding machine.
Analog Integrated Circuit lab
The laboratory is fully equipped with various kits such as Frequency Multiplier kit, PLL kit, digital to Analog convertor kit etc. Also the instruments are regularly updated.
Project lab
The project Lab provides all the facilities for the students for the completion of their projects which are assigned in 7th Semester. The students are given time of one year for the completion of their project . Projects are guided by expert. This lab takes help from other labs also. It is equipped with different softwares like CADD,MATLAB, Lab View etc.
The central library of GNIOT has a wide collection of books on Science, Technology, Humanities and Management. It has acquired a large collection of books, journals and CDs etc. It has computerized its major house-keeping activities using library software (Libsys). It uses state of the art technology in its functioning and services. Technical books, journals and magazines and internet facility provides the necessary thrust to the all round development of our students. Internet facility to the students and faculty is available in central library online
In addition to the central Library, the department has its own departmental library. One copy of each textbook and reference books prescribed are available in this library. The magazines, project reports, seminar reports are also kept for the student’s reference. It is also proposed to provide Internet facility to the students and faculty in this library for online interaction.
The faculty is also very enthusiastic and has diverse interests, which encourages the students to follow any areas of their choice. Activities like Quizzes, Seminars, workshops etc. are conducted by the Departmental Society.